Here at Discover Geoscience, we believe in undertaking exploration and appraisal projects using a “Basin Analysis Approach”.  This is a fully integrated project approach that is carefully managed and professionally handled within project timing and budget scope.

Carried out by our expert data management team, seismic and well data is collected, loaded, QC’d and corrected prior to use.  Our experienced geoscientists and engineers then take a big picture look at an area, incorporating regional understanding, seismic and well stratigraphy with palaeogeographic mapping prior to moving to a project or play scale. 

We carry out peer reviews at key project milestones and again at project completion.  We are customer driven and understand the difference between “fit for purpose” and “time vs value”, ensuring our projects are delivered to exceed expectations, within agreed timeframes and budgets.


At Discover we are data-driven explorers with proven onshore and offshore success. We are people-focused and build relationships that bring meaningful long term benefits to our partners.